Landing Page

How to Make the Right Landing Page Rank


Landing pages are essential for your website to drive more sales and traction to your business. Regardless of your business type and industry, a landing page can do wonders. However, you need to ensure that the right landing page is optimized and ranked on the desired keywords.

If you are new to landing page optimization and looking for a detailed guide, we have got you covered. In this post, we as a leading Digital Marketing Company will have a look at some easy tips that you can follow and rank your landing pages easily. But, before we dive into the tips, let’s first check out why it’s important to optimize your landing pages.

Why optimize landing pages?

Landing pages are specially developed to attract more leads to your business and drive more sales. As your landing has a perfectly-written copy to convert your visitors into customers. So, to utilize the landing page to the fullest and ensure more people see it and interact with the landing page. Apart from the normal services and product pages, these landing pages get more traction as they are designed to attract more leads. So, it’s totally worth the efforts to optimize the landing pages and rank than with the right keywords. On this note, let’s have a look at how to make your right landing page rank and generate more leads.

Title tags

Title tags are very important even for the landing pages that you’ve designed. Many businesses ignore the fact that they also need to optimize their landing pages just like the other blogs and pages. By optimizing the title tag can do wonders for your landing page. Even if you are new to SEO, you can do it easily. Try to focus on the main keywords in the title and always aim to keep the keyword at the starting of the title. It will help both visitors and search engines to be easy to understand. Also, try to keep the title tag within the range of 60 to 70 characters.

Meta description

A meta description is among the most critical aspects of SEO that can give you an edge over your competitors. Meta description helps the search bots to identify what the landing page is all about and it also helps in better ranking. Along with the SEO aspect, it also improves the user experience for the visitors as they can also have a quick summary of the landing page. The length of the meta description should be around 160 to 200 characters. There are many tools available that help you check whether the meta description is optimized or not. Before you make your landing page live, ensure it has an optimized meta description.

Header tags

Heading tags are vital for on-page SEO and the overall structure of the content so that your visitors can read the content seamlessly. Along with the visitors, search bots also find heading tags more useful while crawling the landing pages. Make sure you use the heading tags in a hierarchical manner from H1 to H6. Cover the main title of the page in H1 and for all the other headers, use from H2 to H6. As search engines are focusing more on the overall page structure, implementing heading tags have become important. There is no such limit about how many headers you can use, but make sure you use sufficient to structure the content well.

Content quality

A landing page’s content quality has to be top-notch as it’s a lead magnet for your business. Ensure the text is original and is easy to read. Don’t use jargon in the content as it will only increase the difficulty to read and interpret the content. It’s always better to use an easy yet attractive tone to gain the traction of the users. It’s recommended that you hire a copywriter for your landing pages and get the SEO-friendly content ready from them.

The content has to be in the native style so that most people will feel it is familiar to read and share it with like-minded people. Focus on the main benefits, pain points and show them the bigger picture to boost the conversion rate.


While making the landing page live, it’s important that you check whether the newly-developed landing page is mobile-friendly or not. As mobile-first indexing has become a major thing now, it’s critical that your landing pages open and functions the same on desktops and mobile devices. You can use the free Google tool to check the mobile-friendliness of the page. And the best part is if there is an issue, the tool will give you suggestions to fix it.

Final thoughts

Keep these useful tips in mind to rank your landing page on competitive keywords and gain more traction. Get the maximum utilization of the landing page and drive more sales to your business.

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